LocoList > UKP


  • BR Diesel
    • 01
    • 01/5
    • 02
    • 03
    • 04
    • 05
    • 06
    • 07
    • 08
    • 09
    • 10
    • 11
    • 12
    • 14
    • 15
    • 17
    • 20
    • 23
    • 24
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    • 44
    • 45
    • 46
    • 47
    • 50
    • 52
    • 55
    • 56
    • 57
    • 58
    • 60
    • DP1
    • Misc. Shunters
  • BR Diesel Railcars
    • AC
    • Drewry
    • LEV
    • Wickham
    • WM
  • BR Electric
    • 373
    • 71
    • 73
    • 76
    • 77
    • 81
    • 82
    • 83
    • 84
    • 85
    • 86
    • 87
    • 89
    • 90
    • 91
  • BR Multiple Units
    • 100
    • 101
    • 103
    • 104
    • 105
    • 107
    • 108
    • 109
    • 110
    • 111
    • 114
    • 115
    • 116
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    • 119
    • 120
    • 121
    • 122
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    • 127
    • 140
    • 141
    • 142
    • 143
    • 144
    • 153
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    • 313
    • 315
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    • 365
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    • 405
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    • 412
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    • 415
    • 416
    • 419
    • 420
    • 421
    • 423
    • 442
    • 483
    • 485
    • 487
    • 488
    • 489
    • 4TC
    • 501
    • 502
    • 503
    • 504
    • 505
    • 507
    • APT-E
    • BEMU
    • Derby Lightweight
  • BR Steam
    • 2MT
    • 2MT (Tank)
    • 3MT
    • 4MT (2-6-0)
    • 4MT (4-6-0)
    • 4MT (Tank)
    • 5MT
    • 6MT
    • 7MT
    • 8P
    • 9F
  • GWR
    • 1361
    • 1366
    • 1400
    • 1500
    • 1600
    • 2800
    • 2884
    • 4200
    • 4300
    • 4500
    • 4700
    • 5101
    • 5205
    • 5600
    • 5700
    • 6100
    • 6400
    • 7200
    • 9400
    • A1A-A1A
    • Alexandra Docks
    • Burry Port and Gwendraeth Valley
    • Cardiff Railway
    • Castle
    • City
    • Collett Goods
    • County (Churchward)
    • County (Hawksworth)
    • Dean Goods
    • Earl
    • Grange
    • Hall
    • King
    • Manor
    • Modified Hall
    • Port Talbot
    • Powlesland and Mason
    • Railcar
    • Railmotor
    • Saint
    • Star
    • Taff Vale
    • Wantage
  • LMS
    • 2MT (Tank)
    • 2MT (2-6-0)
    • 4F
    • 4MT (Fairburn)
    • 4MT (Ivatt)
    • 4MT (Stanier)
    • 5MT (Crab)
    • 5MT (Stanier)
    • 7F
    • 8F
    • Black 5
    • Compound
    • Coronation
    • CR 123
    • CR 439
    • CR 812
    • D16/1
    • Furness 17
    • Furness 3
    • GWSR 322
    • HR 4F
    • Jinty
    • Jubilee
    • LNWR 2-2-2
    • LNWR 835
    • LNWR Coal Tank
    • LTS 79
    • LYR 21 Pug
    • LYR 23
    • LYR 25
    • LYR 27
    • LYR 5
    • Mersey I
    • Misc. Diesel Shunters
    • MR 115
    • MR 1377
    • MR 156
    • MR 3835
    • NLR 75
    • NSR Battery
    • NSR L
    • Oerlikon
    • Patriot
    • Precedent
    • Princess Royal
    • Royal Scot
    • Super D
  • LNER
    • 1001
    • 901
    • A1
    • A2
    • A3
    • A4
    • Autocar
    • B1
    • B12
    • B17
    • C1
    • C2
    • D11
    • D17
    • D34
    • D40
    • D49
    • E4
    • E5
    • ES1
    • J15
    • J17
    • J21
    • J27
    • J36
    • J52
    • J69
    • J72
    • K1
    • K4
    • N2
    • N7
    • O4
    • P2
    • Q6
    • Q7
    • Stirling Single
    • V2
    • X1
    • Y1
    • Y5
    • Y7
    • Y9
  • SR
    • 0298 Beattie Well Tank
    • 0415 Radial Tank
    • 3SUB
    • 4DD
    • A1 Terrier
    • B1
    • B4
    • BB/WC
    • C
    • D
    • E1
    • E4
    • H
    • H2
    • LN
    • M7
    • MN
    • N
    • N15
    • O1
    • O2
    • P
    • Q
    • Q1
    • S15 (Urie)
    • S15 (Maunsell)
    • T3
    • T9
    • U
    • USA
    • V
    • WC Shunter
  • WD
    • S160
    • WD 0-6-0
    • WD 2-8-0
    • WD 2-10-0
  • London Underground
    • 1938 Stock
    • 1959 Stock
    • 1960 Stock
    • 1962 Stock
    • 1967 Stock
    • 1972 Stock
    • 1973 Stock
    • 1983 Stock
    • 1986 Stock
    • A Stock
    • C Stock
    • D Stock
    • ESL Sleet Locomotives
    • L11 Acton Shunter
    • L35 Battery
    • O/P Stock
    • Q23 Stock
    • Q38 Stock
    • R Stock
    • Standard Stock
    • T Stock
  • Metropolitan Railway
    • 1904 EMU
    • A
    • E
    • Metropolitan-Vickers
  • Glasgow Underground
    • Hurst-Nelson Driving Motor
    • Metro-Cammell Power Car
    • Oldbury Driving Motor
    • Trailer

    UKP: LMS: MR 156

    Steam loco

    MR Class 156 2-4-0

    The Midland Railway 156 Class was a class of 2-4-0 tender engines built at Derby Works between 1866 and 1874. In total 29 of the class were built under the Midland Railway. They were rebuilt sometime between 1873 and 1903.

    These engines used to work on express passenger trains to King's Cross, which was then the Midland Railway's London Terminus. 21 survived to become part of the LMS fleet of engines in 1923. By then they were reduced to the humblest of roles. In September 1930, the LMS recognised the significance of the class and number 156 itself was ear-marked for preservation. However, William Stanier chose not to preserve it and the engine was scrapped two years later.

    One engine, 158A survives. She was withdrawn from service in July 1947 by the LMS to be restored to her former Midland identity and old number 158A as a static exhibit in Birmingham during the centenary celebrations at the New Street station in 1954.

    Introduced 1866
    Withdrawn 1947
    Wheel Arrangement 2-4-0
    Builder Derby Works
    Weight 41.9t
    TE 12,340 lbf
    Driving Wheel Dia 6ft 2 1/2in
    Boiler Pressure 140 psi
    Num Cylinders 2, inside

    Photo: Dan Cardwell

    Number Altnumber Status Livery Base Owner
    158A 20002   158   2   D Midland Red Barrow Hill NRM