LocoList > UKP

BR Diesel

  • BR Diesel
    • 01
    • 01/5
    • 02
    • 03
    • 04
    • 05
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    • 10
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    • 40
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    • 46
    • 47
    • 50
    • 52
    • 55
    • 56
    • 57
    • 58
    • 60
    • DP1
    • Misc. Shunters
  • BR Diesel Railcars
    • AC
    • Drewry
    • LEV
    • Wickham
    • WM
  • BR Electric
    • 373
    • 71
    • 73
    • 76
    • 77
    • 81
    • 82
    • 83
    • 84
    • 85
    • 86
    • 87
    • 89
    • 90
    • 91
  • BR Multiple Units
    • 100
    • 101
    • 103
    • 104
    • 105
    • 107
    • 108
    • 109
    • 110
    • 111
    • 114
    • 115
    • 116
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    • 120
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    • 415
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    • 420
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    • 442
    • 483
    • 485
    • 487
    • 488
    • 489
    • 4TC
    • 501
    • 502
    • 503
    • 504
    • 505
    • 507
    • APT-E
    • BEMU
    • Derby Lightweight
  • BR Steam
    • 2MT
    • 2MT (Tank)
    • 3MT
    • 4MT (2-6-0)
    • 4MT (4-6-0)
    • 4MT (Tank)
    • 5MT
    • 6MT
    • 7MT
    • 8P
    • 9F
  • GWR
    • 1361
    • 1366
    • 1400
    • 1500
    • 1600
    • 2800
    • 2884
    • 4200
    • 4300
    • 4500
    • 4700
    • 5101
    • 5205
    • 5600
    • 5700
    • 6100
    • 6400
    • 7200
    • 9400
    • A1A-A1A
    • Alexandra Docks
    • Burry Port and Gwendraeth Valley
    • Cardiff Railway
    • Castle
    • City
    • Collett Goods
    • County (Churchward)
    • County (Hawksworth)
    • Dean Goods
    • Earl
    • Grange
    • Hall
    • King
    • Manor
    • Modified Hall
    • Port Talbot
    • Powlesland and Mason
    • Railcar
    • Railmotor
    • Saint
    • Star
    • Taff Vale
    • Wantage
  • LMS
    • 2MT (Tank)
    • 2MT (2-6-0)
    • 4F
    • 4MT (Fairburn)
    • 4MT (Ivatt)
    • 4MT (Stanier)
    • 5MT (Crab)
    • 5MT (Stanier)
    • 7F
    • 8F
    • Black 5
    • Compound
    • Coronation
    • CR 123
    • CR 439
    • CR 812
    • D16/1
    • Furness 17
    • Furness 3
    • GWSR 322
    • HR 4F
    • Jinty
    • Jubilee
    • LNWR 2-2-2
    • LNWR 835
    • LNWR Coal Tank
    • LTS 79
    • LYR 21 Pug
    • LYR 23
    • LYR 25
    • LYR 27
    • LYR 5
    • Mersey I
    • Misc. Diesel Shunters
    • MR 115
    • MR 1377
    • MR 156
    • MR 3835
    • NLR 75
    • NSR Battery
    • NSR L
    • Oerlikon
    • Patriot
    • Precedent
    • Princess Royal
    • Royal Scot
    • Super D
  • LNER
    • 1001
    • 901
    • A1
    • A2
    • A3
    • A4
    • Autocar
    • B1
    • B12
    • B17
    • C1
    • C2
    • D11
    • D17
    • D34
    • D40
    • D49
    • E4
    • E5
    • ES1
    • J15
    • J17
    • J21
    • J27
    • J36
    • J52
    • J69
    • J72
    • K1
    • K4
    • N2
    • N7
    • O4
    • P2
    • Q6
    • Q7
    • Stirling Single
    • V2
    • X1
    • Y1
    • Y5
    • Y7
    • Y9
  • SR
    • 0298 Beattie Well Tank
    • 0415 Radial Tank
    • 3SUB
    • 4DD
    • A1 Terrier
    • B1
    • B4
    • BB/WC
    • C
    • D
    • E1
    • E4
    • H
    • H2
    • LN
    • M7
    • MN
    • N
    • N15
    • O1
    • O2
    • P
    • Q
    • Q1
    • S15 (Urie)
    • S15 (Maunsell)
    • T3
    • T9
    • U
    • USA
    • V
    • WC Shunter
  • WD
    • S160
    • WD 0-6-0
    • WD 2-8-0
    • WD 2-10-0
  • London Underground
    • 1938 Stock
    • 1959 Stock
    • 1960 Stock
    • 1962 Stock
    • 1967 Stock
    • 1972 Stock
    • 1973 Stock
    • 1983 Stock
    • 1986 Stock
    • A Stock
    • C Stock
    • D Stock
    • ESL Sleet Locomotives
    • L11 Acton Shunter
    • L35 Battery
    • O/P Stock
    • Q23 Stock
    • Q38 Stock
    • R Stock
    • Standard Stock
    • T Stock
  • Metropolitan Railway
    • 1904 EMU
    • A
    • E
    • Metropolitan-Vickers
  • Glasgow Underground
    • Hurst-Nelson Driving Motor
    • Metro-Cammell Power Car
    • Oldbury Driving Motor
    • Trailer

    UKP: BR Diesel: 40

    Diesel Loco

    Class 40 Whistler

    The British Rail Class 40 is a type of British railway diesel electric locomotive. A total of 200 were built by English Electric between 1958 and 1962. They were numbered D200-D399. They were, for a time, the pride of British Rail's early diesel fleet. However, despite their initial success, by the time the last examples were entering service they were already being replaced on some top-level duties by more powerful locomotives. As they were slowly relegated from express passenger uses, the type found work on secondary passenger and freight services where they worked for many years. The locomotives were commonly known as "Whistlers" because of the distinctive noise made by their turbochargers. The final locomotives ended regular service in 1985, although several examples are preserved.

    Builder English Electric
    Max Speed 90mph
    Introduced 1958
    Withdrawn 1988
    Length 21.18m
    Weight 135t
    Engine EE 16SVT
    Transmission Diesel-Electric
    Power 1490kW
    TE 231kN
    Wheel Arrangement 1Co-Co1
    Width 2.74m
    Height 3.91m
    Driving Wheel Dia 1.143m
    Wheelbase 18.67m
    Number Altnumber Name Status Note Livery Depot Pool Base Owner In Service
    D335 40135   97406   P BRB BQ CFSL East Lancashire Railway 40 UK70/40
    40012 D212   97407   Aureol P BRB SK MBDL Midland Railway - Butterley PRE UK70/40
    40013 D213   Andania P LSL for Charter use GRN CL LSLO HNRC Worksop SHW UK70/40 UK/40
    40106 D306   89406   Atlantic Conveyor P GRN BQ CFSL Severn Valley Railway 40 UK70/40
    40118 D318   97408   P BRB BL Battlefield Line UK70/40
    40122 D200   D GRN YM MBDL Locomotion - NRM Shildon NRM 1957 UK70/40
    40145 D345   P GRN CS CFSL East Lancashire Railway 40 UK70/40 UK/40