LocoList > UKP

BR Multiple Units

  • BR Diesel
    • 01
    • 01/5
    • 02
    • 03
    • 04
    • 05
    • 06
    • 07
    • 08
    • 09
    • 10
    • 11
    • 12
    • 14
    • 15
    • 17
    • 20
    • 23
    • 24
    • 25
    • 26
    • 27
    • 28
    • 31
    • 33
    • 35
    • 37
    • 40
    • 41
    • 42
    • 43
    • 44
    • 45
    • 46
    • 47
    • 50
    • 52
    • 55
    • 56
    • 57
    • 58
    • 60
    • DP1
    • Misc. Shunters
  • BR Diesel Railcars
    • AC
    • Drewry
    • LEV
    • Wickham
    • WM
  • BR Electric
    • 373
    • 71
    • 73
    • 76
    • 77
    • 81
    • 82
    • 83
    • 84
    • 85
    • 86
    • 87
    • 89
    • 90
    • 91
  • BR Multiple Units
    • 100
    • 101
    • 103
    • 104
    • 105
    • 107
    • 108
    • 109
    • 110
    • 111
    • 114
    • 115
    • 116
    • 117
    • 118
    • 119
    • 120
    • 121
    • 122
    • 126
    • 127
    • 140
    • 141
    • 142
    • 143
    • 144
    • 153
    • 201
    • 202
    • 203
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    • 302
    • 303
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    • 309
    • 311
    • 312
    • 313
    • 315
    • 316
    • 317
    • 365
    • 370
    • 401
    • 403
    • 404
    • 405
    • 411
    • 412
    • 414
    • 415
    • 416
    • 419
    • 420
    • 421
    • 423
    • 442
    • 483
    • 485
    • 487
    • 488
    • 489
    • 4TC
    • 501
    • 502
    • 503
    • 504
    • 505
    • 507
    • APT-E
    • BEMU
    • Derby Lightweight
  • BR Steam
    • 2MT
    • 2MT (Tank)
    • 3MT
    • 4MT (2-6-0)
    • 4MT (4-6-0)
    • 4MT (Tank)
    • 5MT
    • 6MT
    • 7MT
    • 8P
    • 9F
  • GWR
    • 1361
    • 1366
    • 1400
    • 1500
    • 1600
    • 2800
    • 2884
    • 4200
    • 4300
    • 4500
    • 4700
    • 5101
    • 5205
    • 5600
    • 5700
    • 6100
    • 6400
    • 7200
    • 9400
    • A1A-A1A
    • Alexandra Docks
    • Burry Port and Gwendraeth Valley
    • Cardiff Railway
    • Castle
    • City
    • Collett Goods
    • County (Churchward)
    • County (Hawksworth)
    • Dean Goods
    • Earl
    • Grange
    • Hall
    • King
    • Manor
    • Modified Hall
    • Port Talbot
    • Powlesland and Mason
    • Railcar
    • Railmotor
    • Saint
    • Star
    • Taff Vale
    • Wantage
  • LMS
    • 2MT (Tank)
    • 2MT (2-6-0)
    • 4F
    • 4MT (Fairburn)
    • 4MT (Ivatt)
    • 4MT (Stanier)
    • 5MT (Crab)
    • 5MT (Stanier)
    • 7F
    • 8F
    • Black 5
    • Compound
    • Coronation
    • CR 123
    • CR 439
    • CR 812
    • D16/1
    • Furness 17
    • Furness 3
    • GWSR 322
    • HR 4F
    • Jinty
    • Jubilee
    • LNWR 2-2-2
    • LNWR 835
    • LNWR Coal Tank
    • LTS 79
    • LYR 21 Pug
    • LYR 23
    • LYR 25
    • LYR 27
    • LYR 5
    • Mersey I
    • Misc. Diesel Shunters
    • MR 115
    • MR 1377
    • MR 156
    • MR 3835
    • NLR 75
    • NSR Battery
    • NSR L
    • Oerlikon
    • Patriot
    • Precedent
    • Princess Royal
    • Royal Scot
    • Super D
  • LNER
    • 1001
    • 901
    • A1
    • A2
    • A3
    • A4
    • Autocar
    • B1
    • B12
    • B17
    • C1
    • C2
    • D11
    • D17
    • D34
    • D40
    • D49
    • E4
    • E5
    • ES1
    • J15
    • J17
    • J21
    • J27
    • J36
    • J52
    • J69
    • J72
    • K1
    • K4
    • N2
    • N7
    • O4
    • P2
    • Q6
    • Q7
    • Stirling Single
    • V2
    • X1
    • Y1
    • Y5
    • Y7
    • Y9
  • SR
    • 0298 Beattie Well Tank
    • 0415 Radial Tank
    • 3SUB
    • 4DD
    • A1 Terrier
    • B1
    • B4
    • BB/WC
    • C
    • D
    • E1
    • E4
    • H
    • H2
    • LN
    • M7
    • MN
    • N
    • N15
    • O1
    • O2
    • P
    • Q
    • Q1
    • S15 (Urie)
    • S15 (Maunsell)
    • T3
    • T9
    • U
    • USA
    • V
    • WC Shunter
  • WD
    • S160
    • WD 0-6-0
    • WD 2-8-0
    • WD 2-10-0
  • London Underground
    • 1938 Stock
    • 1959 Stock
    • 1960 Stock
    • 1962 Stock
    • 1967 Stock
    • 1972 Stock
    • 1973 Stock
    • 1983 Stock
    • 1986 Stock
    • A Stock
    • C Stock
    • D Stock
    • ESL Sleet Locomotives
    • L11 Acton Shunter
    • L35 Battery
    • O/P Stock
    • Q23 Stock
    • Q38 Stock
    • R Stock
    • Standard Stock
    • T Stock
  • Metropolitan Railway
    • 1904 EMU
    • A
    • E
    • Metropolitan-Vickers
  • Glasgow Underground
    • Hurst-Nelson Driving Motor
    • Metro-Cammell Power Car
    • Oldbury Driving Motor
    • Trailer

    UKP: BR Multiple Units: 143

    Diesel Unit

    Class 143 Pacer

    The British Rail Class 143 is a diesel multiple unit railbus, part of the Pacer family of passenger trains introduced between 1985 and 1986.

    During the 1980s, British Rail (BR) was interested in replacing its first-generation diesel multiple units, particularly in the use of railbuses to service its lightly used branch lines. It was decided to develop such a vehicle with a high level of commonality with the widely used Leyland National bus, leading to its modular design serving as the basis for the design. Several single and two-car prototypes were constructed and evaluated, leading to an initial production batch by British Leyland, designated as the Class 141 units. BR, seeking to procure improved derivatives of the Class 141, placed an order with the manufacturers Hunslet-Barclay and Walter Alexander to construct its own variant, the Class 143.

    Entering operational service during the mid-1980s, the Class 143 embodied several advances over the original model in terms of ride quality and reliability. During its operating lives, the type was tasked with various passenger services across the United Kingdom; being initially operated in the North-East of England, all units were subsequently transferred to other regions, including Wales and South-West England.

    Length 15.45m
    Width 2.70m
    Wheel Arrangement 1-A+A-1
    Builder Alexander/Barclay
    Power 165kW
    Engine CUMMINS LT10-R
    Max Speed 75mph
    Height 3.52m
    Introduced 1985
    Withdrawn 2021
    Weight 24t
    Transmission Hydraulic, Voith T211r
    Wheelbase 9m

    Photo: Dan Cardwell

    Number Altnumber Name Status Formation Note Livery Depot Pool Base Owner
    143601 143001   P 55642,55667 ` ATT PR Tanat Valley Railway UK/143 UK70/143
    143602 143002   P 55651,55668 ATT Nene Valley Railway UK/143 UK70/143
    143603 143003   S 55658,55669 GWU RSS Wishaw UK/143 UK70/143
    143606 143006   P 55647,55672 ATT Llanelli & Mynydd Mawr Railway UK/143 UK70/143
    143607 143007   P 55648,55673 ATT Llanelli & Mynydd Mawr Railway UK/143 UK70/143
    143612 143012   P 55653,55678 GWU Llanelli & Mynydd Mawr Railway UK/143 UK70/143
    143616 143016   P 55657,55682 ATT PR Tanat Valley Railway UK/143 UK70/143
    143617 143017   FOUNDER MEMBER & CHAIRMAN ROD GARDNER,BEWICK’S SWAN** P 55644,55683 GWU Tarka Valley Railway UK/143 UK70/143
    143618 143018   P 55659,55684 GWU Plym Valley Railway UK/143 UK70/143
    143619 143019   P 55660,55685 GWU Tanat Valley Railway UK/143 UK70/143
    143622 143322   143022   P 55663,55688 ATT Llanelli Goods Shed Trust UK/143 UK70/143
    143623 143323   143023   P 55664,55689 RRR PR Wensleydale Railway UK/143 UK70/143
    143625 143325   143025   Valleys Kids** P 55666,55691 THE START OF A NEW JOURNEY ATT LE HLHQ Keighley & Worth Valley Railway PTR UK/143 UK70/143