Glossary of SpotLog terms
- Alternate Number. A number other than the current number that a loco/unit carried previously, see Alternate Numbers
- AutoBackup. Automatic process where SpotLog exports your data to a file in case of problems with app. See Backup
- Backup Process of exporting your date from SpotLog for safe-keeping in case the app/device is lost or replaced.
- Book The second tab in the app showing the data for Loco classes and sets.
- Checksum an extra digit used with EVN and UIC Numbers to validate the number has been entered correctly.
- Class A group of locos/units of the same design and characteristics. Within a dataset, loco's/units are grouped into classes.
- Consist A group of sighting records linked where the records all relate to the same train.
- Custom Book / Custom Data. Non-standard data in dataSets, classes etc that you have entered yourself (as opposed to downloaded or updated from the SpotLog server)
- DataSet, see Sets and Download Datasets, a collection of data about loco's and classes. Sets vary in size, some sets (eg IOM are quite small) some (eg UKW, FR or DE) are quite large. You can browse the sets at or on the Sets page of the app.
- Disambiguation: the process of identifying which of two or more loco's a sighting record applies to.
- EVN: European Vehicle Number, see EVN and UIC Numbers
- First: the earliest record for a given loco/unit. The "First" record is marked with a star in the log and counted on the notepad Statistics
- Formation: the individual cars that make up a unit. See Formation Numbers
- Haulage: a record of travelling in a train hauled by the loco, or in a coach or a unit.
- Loco / Loco or Unit: An item of railway rolling stock. SpotLog includes dataset items for Loco's, Coaches, Wagons, Units, Departmental items, even Funiculars. For simplicity, unless specified, anywhere this documentation refers to "Loco", all of the above is meant.
- Log: the third tab of the App, shows the record of all your sightings in the app.
- Main Number: the number currently carried by the loco/unit etc. See Alternate Numbers
- Marked Loco: the way SpotLog allows you to record a loco as seen (Etc) without am exact date or location, See Marked Locos
- Matching: the process SpotLog uses to connect the number entered with an item in the Book data.
- MRG Mark Goodspeed, the creator of the SpotLog app and website. Mark lives in Wiltshire and works for a largish charity in Swindon developing database solutions. Mark likes all aspects of railways and trains, with a particular interest (outside UK) in Swiss railways.
- Processing the process SpotLog uses to connect the number entered with an item in the Book data. See Matching
- Record a record of a loco/unit sighting including date and time, and may include location and/or notes. Records can be seen in the Log
- Set, see "DataSet"
- SpotLog: the SpotLog app for recording train sightings. The app was first published in 2016 on the Android platform. Today the app is available on Android and iOS devices.
- SpotLog Server The Spotlog website The SpotLog server holds the master (Server) database of sets, classes and loco's and is where the data is edited. The App downloads data and updates from the server. The server is also use for logging app usage and crash details, and provides the SpotLog Sync Service
- SubSet a subdivision of Sets. For example the UK set is subdivided into subsets "Diesel Locos" / "Electric Locos" / "DMUs" etc
- Sync: a service allowing users to synchronise data between two or more SpotLog apps. See SpotLog Sync Service
- Theme: a selection of colours and layouts that change the visual appearance of the app, see Themes
- UIC Number numbering scheme created by the International Union of Railways, see EVN and UIC Numbers
- Undated record, a record of a sighting without a date or location, see Undated Records
- Webid The ID of a loco record in the SpotLog Server master database. Webid is unique and is used throughout SpotLog as the identifier for a loco/unit etc. You may see the webid in XML backup or export files.
About page
Alternate Numbers
App Files
Book Search
Custom Book
Custom Set Example
Depot View
Download Datasets
Edit Record
Entering Numbers
Entry mode
EVN and UIC Numbers
Export Locos
Formation Numbers
Getting Started with V5
GPS location
Import and Export
Importing Historic paper records
Improved Log
Loco Records
Marked Locos
Merge locos
Needed Items
Number range
Preservation sites
Quick Tour
Realtime Trains
Rebuilt Locos
Recent Changes
Release Notes
Remote SQL Support
Restoring SpotLog from a device backup
Sets and Subsets
Single Loco view
SpotLog Sync Service
SpotLog v5.8
Undated Records
Upgrading from TrainSpotter
Upgrading to V5
What's New