LocoList > ukpcs


  • GWR
    • Barry CZ
    • Barry TZ
    • Cambrian 6W Composite
    • Cambrian 6W Full Brake
    • Cambrian SZ
    • Cambrian T
    • Cambrian TZ
    • Cornwall Railway 3rd
    • GWR Autotrailer (A23)
    • GWR B (K14)
    • GWR BCK (E83)
    • GWR BCL (F12)
    • GWR BG (K22)
    • GWR BT (D62)
    • GWR BTK (D46)
    • GWR BTO (D130)
    • GWR BTU Riding Van
    • GWR BTY (T34)
    • GWR BY (O13)
    • GWR C
    • GWR CCT (P18)
    • GWR CCTY (P19)
    • GWR CK (E88)
    • GWR CY (U4)
    • GWR CZ (U29)
    • GWR FVY (S8)
    • GWR HBY (N4)
    • GWR INSP (Q13)
    • GWR PMVG (O11)
    • GWR PMVY (Y3)
    • GWR RB (H41)
    • GWR RC (H7)
    • GWR Replica
    • GWR RF (H2)
    • GWR RT (H40)
    • GWR SAL (G2)
    • GWR SCVZ (W17)
    • GWR SLF (J5)
    • GWR SPEC (M18)
    • GWR T (C10)
    • GWR TK (C24)
    • GWR TO (C74)
    • GWR TPO (L3)
    • GWR TY
    • GWR TZ
    • Monmouth CY
    • R and SB
    • SPEC
    • Taff Vale 6W Full Brake
    • Taff Vale BTY
    • Taff Vale Composite
    • Taff Vale Third
    • TVR BT
    • TVR C
    • TVR TY
  • LMS
    • BGZ (D1796)
    • BTK (D1696)
    • Caledonian BCK (111A)
    • Caledonian T (118)
    • Caledonian TK (124)
    • CCTY
    • CCTZ (D1872)
    • CLZ
    • Fowler SRFO
    • Fowler TO
    • GSWR BZ (16)
    • GSWR TK (42)
    • LMS BCK
    • LMS BFK
    • LMS BG
    • LMS CK
    • LMS LPV
    • LMS RK
    • LMS SLF
    • LMS SLT
    • LMS TK
    • LNWR BFK (127)
    • LNWR BG
    • LNWR BT
    • LNWR BTY
    • LNWR CCT
    • LNWR CK
    • LNWR Insp
    • LNWR Inspection Saloon
    • LNWR Observation Car
    • LNWR Picnic Saloon
    • LNWR RF
    • LNWR SAL
    • LNWR Sleeper
    • LNWR SLF
    • LNWR Spec
    • LNWR T
    • LSWR TY
    • LYR BT
    • LYR BTK
    • LYR FZ
    • LYR SAL
    • LYR SPEC
    • LYR TK
    • LYR TZ
    • MCR TZ
    • MR BT
    • MR BY
    • MR CK
    • MR CZ
    • MR FOZ
    • MR RU
    • MR TK
    • MR TZ (D493)
    • NLR Birdcage
    • NLR Compartment First
    • NLR FY
    • NLR SPEC
    • NSR BTY
    • NSR TY
    • POS
    • Replica First
    • Replica Open Second
    • Replica TPO
    • RFO (D1902)
    • ROY
    • SAL (D2046)
    • Sleeper First
    • Sleeper Third
    • SPEC
    • Third (1784)
    • TO
    • TO (D1915)
    • TST
    • WCJS POS
    • WCJS RF
    • WCJS TK (51)
  • LMS
    • LMS T
  • LNER
    • BC (360)
    • BCK (175)
    • Beavertail
    • BGP (198)
    • BT
    • BTK
    • BYP
    • BZ
    • CCTY
    • Dynamometer
    • ECJS BG
    • ECJS RTO
    • ECJS SLF
    • ECJS TK
    • ECJS TK
    • GCR F
    • GCR T
    • GCR TO
    • GER BT
    • GER BTY
    • GER BZ
    • GER CK
    • GER CLZ
    • GER CZ
    • GER FY
    • GER HBY
    • GER SAL
    • GER Spec
    • GER SPEC
    • GER SY
    • GER T
    • GER TOZ
    • GER TY
    • GER TZ
    • GNR BCL
    • GNR BCZ
    • GNR BT
    • GNR BTZ
    • GNR BZ
    • GNR CK
    • GNR Directors Saloon
    • GNR POS
    • GNR SAL
    • GNR SPEC
    • GNR T
    • GNR TZ
    • GNSR CLZ
    • GNSR CZ
    • GNSR SAL
    • GNSR T
    • GNSR TY
    • GNSR TZ (45)
    • GNY BY
    • Gresley BCK
    • Gresley BTO
    • Gresley RB
    • Gresley RF
    • Gresley SLF (157)
    • Gresley TK
    • H&BR BTL
    • HR BY (32)
    • HR CZ (59)
    • HR PRIV
    • HR PRIV
    • HR TY
    • HR TZ
    • Hull and Barnsley BT
    • LNER BT
    • LNER CK
    • MSLR BCZ
    • MSLR BTY
    • MSLR CY
    • MSLR FY
    • MSLR SAL
    • MSLR TZ
    • NB TL
    • NBR BT (467)
    • NBR FY
    • NBR SPEC (152)
    • NBR SY (103)
    • NBR T
    • NBR TK (162)
    • NBR TRAM
    • NBR TZ
    • NER BTY
    • NER BZ
    • NER C
    • NER C
    • NER CZ
    • NER FOLZ
    • NER FOY
    • NER RFO
    • NER SAL
    • NER SPEC
    • NER T
    • NER T
    • NER TO
    • NER TOZ
    • NER TY
    • NER TY
    • NER TZ
    • POS
    • POT
    • RB (167)
    • RC (187)
    • ROY
    • S&D CY
    • SD CY
    • SLT
    • T
    • T
    • Thompson BG
    • Thompson CL
    • Thompson RB
    • Thompson TK
    • Thompson TSO (330)
    • TTO (186)
    • TY
  • SR
    • LSWR FZ
  • Met
    • Brake Third
    • BT
    • Composite
    • F
    • Full Third
    • FY
    • MV
    • S
  • SR
    • IOWR CY
    • IOWR FY
    • IOWR SY
    • LBSCR BT
    • LBSCR BT
    • LBSCR BY
    • LBSCR BY
    • LBSCR C
    • LBSCR CY (41/83)
    • LBSCR F
    • LBSCR F
    • LBSCR FY
    • LBSCR FZ
    • LBSCR S
    • LBSCR SY
    • LBSCR T (4w)
    • LBSCR T
    • LBSCR TY
    • LCDR BSY
    • LCDR BSY
    • LCDR BSZ
    • LCDR BT
    • LCDR BTZ
    • LCDR FY
    • LCDR FZ
    • LCDR S
    • LCDR SOZ
    • LCDR SY
    • LCDR T
    • LCDR TY
    • LCDR TZ
    • LSWR BCL
    • LSWR BT
    • LSWR BTK
    • LSWR BTL
    • LSWR CL
    • LSWR CS
    • LSWR CZ
    • LSWR F
    • LSWR FO
    • LSWR PLV
    • LSWR RF
    • LSWR SAL
    • LSWR Spec
    • LSWR SZ
    • LSWR TK
    • LSWR TL
    • LSWR TZ
    • Maunsell BCK
    • Maunsell BTK
    • Maunsell BUA
    • Maunsell BUO (2654)
    • Maunsell CK
    • Maunsell POS
    • Maunsell RF
    • Maunsell RTO
    • Maunsell TK
    • Maunsell TO
    • SCVY
    • SDJR FZ
    • SDJR TZ
    • SECR BC
    • SECR BCL
    • SECR BS
    • SECR BT
    • SECR BTK
    • SECR BZ
    • SECR CL
    • SECR FO
    • SECR FP
    • SECR PFP
    • SECR SY
    • SECR T
    • SER BT
    • SER C
    • SER SAL
    • SER SAL
    • SER T
    • SR B
    • SR BTK (164)
    • SR BY
    • SR CCT
    • SR CCTY
    • SR CK(2302)
    • SR CK (2318)
    • SR GUV
    • SR PMVY
    • SR TO
  • MKI
    • Ferry Van
    • Saloon
    • BCK
    • BFK
    • BG
    • BPOT
    • BR
    • BS
    • BSK
    • BSO
    • BSOB
    • BSOT
    • CCTY
    • CK
    • CL
    • DTSO
    • FK
    • FO
    • FVY (801)
    • GUV
    • HBY
    • NY
    • PCV
    • PMVY (805)
    • POS
    • POT
    • PVG
    • RB
    • RBR
    • RE
    • RF
    • RFO
    • RK
    • RKB
    • RMB
    • RSO
    • RU
    • S
    • SK
    • SLB
    • SLF
    • SLO
    • SO
    • TBSK
    • TFK
    • TSO
  • MKII
    • BFK
    • BSK
    • BSO
    • BSOT
    • DBSO
    • FK
    • FO
    • RFB
    • RFO
    • ROY
    • SO
    • TSO
    • DVT
    • FO
    • FOD
    • RFM
    • SLE
    • SLED
    • SLEP
    • TF
    • TFD
    • TGS
    • TRFB
    • TRUK
    • TS
    • TSD
    • TSO
    • TSOB
  • London Transport
    • City and South London T
  • Pullman
    • Brake Third
    • Ferry Wagon
    • FP
    • PFK
    • SK
    • Third
    • TK
  • Imported
    • SLEP
    • Wagons-Lits Restaurant
  • Imported (Belgian)
    • SNCB K1 A
    • SNCB K1 AB
    • SNCB M1 B
  • Imported (Danish)
    • DSB Abhl
    • DSB CLE
    • DSB CLL
    • DSB CLS
  • Imported (German)
    • Ambulance
  • Imported (Norwegian)
    • NSB B24
    • NSB B65
    • NSB BSK
    • NSB SAL

    UKPCS: GWR: GWR CK (E88)



    Churchward Bogie Corridor Composite (CK) Bar 1 Toplight (Diagram E88)

    Extant Stock:

    Number range: W7738W - W7747W (10). Built Swindon Dec 1910 - Feb 1911 to Lot 1171.

    Seats: 24 1st Class in 4 Compartments. 24 3rd Class in 3 Compartments. 2 Toilets.

    W7740W - Renumbered DW317 and converted to a Mess & Tool Van in 02/1954. Withdrawn in 1977c

    Diagram E88
    Length 57' 0"
    Width 9' 0"
    Introduced 1911
    Withdrawn 1957
    Wheel Arrangement 4w 9' Fishbelly Bogies
    Builder GWR Swindon
    Weight 27t 7cwt
    Number Altnumber Status Note Livery Base Owner In Service Withdrawn
    7740 W7740W   DW317   S Waiting restoration Chocolate and Cream West Somerset Railway Private 1910 1977c

    CK (E132)



    Collett Bogie Corridor Composite (CK) Bow End (Diagram E132)

    Extant Stock:

    Number range: W6011W - W6096W (85). Built Swindon Feb 1928 - Aug 1928 to Lot 1382.

    Seats: 24 1st Class in 4 Compartments. 24 3rd Class in 3 Compartments. 2 Toilets.

    W6045W - Renumbered DW150293 and converted to a R&M Sleeping and Mess Van in 09/1961. Withdrawn in 1973

    Diagram E132
    Length 57' 4"
    Width 9' 0"
    Introduced 1928
    Withdrawn 1962
    Wheel Arrangement 4w 7' Bogies
    Builder GWR Swindon
    Weight 30t 14cwt
    Number Altnumber Status Livery Base Owner In Service Withdrawn
    6045 W6045W   DW150293   A Chocolate and Cream Severn Valley Railway Great Western (SVR) Assoc. 1928 1973c

    CK (E158)



    Collett Bogie Corridor Composite (CK) Standard Stock (Diagram E158)

    Extant Stock:

    Number range: W7301W - W7340W (40). Built Swindon Aug 1939 - Feb 1940 to Lot 1621.

    Seats: 24 1st Class in 4 Compartments. 24 3rd Class in 3 Compartments. 2 Toilets.

    W7313W - Renumbered 079155 for internal use in Swindon Test Train in 08/1965. Withdrawn in 1969

    Diagram E158
    Length 59' 10"
    Width 8' 11"
    Introduced 1937
    Withdrawn 1966
    Wheel Arrangement 4w 9' Bogies
    Builder GWR Swindon
    Weight 30t 17cwt
    Number Altnumber Status Livery Base Owner In Service Withdrawn
    7313 W7313W   079155   A Brown Didcot Railway Centre Great Western Preservations Ltd 1939 1969

    CK (E162)



    Collett Bogie Corridor Composite (CK) Standard Stock (Diagram E162)

    Extant Stock:

    Number range: W7271W - W7290W (20). Built Swindon Jan 1941 - Jun 1941 to Lot 1639.

    Seats: 24 1st Class in 4 Compartments. 24 3rd Class in 3 Compartments. 2 Toilets.

    W7284W - Renumbered 079156 for internal use in Swindon Test Train in 04/1965. Withdrawn in 1969

    Diagram E162
    Length 59' 10"
    Width 8' 11"
    Introduced 1941
    Withdrawn 1966
    Wheel Arrangement 4w 9' Bogies
    Builder GWR Swindon
    Weight 31t 5cwt
    Number Altnumber Status Livery Base Owner In Service Withdrawn
    7284 W7284W   079156   A Chocolate and Cream Severn Valley Railway Great Western (SVR) Assoc. 1941 1969
    7285 W7285W   S Chocolate and Cream Didcot Railway Centre Great Western Preservations Ltd 1941 1964