• Electric Loco
    • HGe 101
  • Electric Unit
    • ABe 130
    • ABeh 150
    • ABeh 151
    • ABeh 160
    • ABeh 161
    • BDeh 140
    • De 110
    • Deh 120
  • MIB
    • BDe 4/4
    • Be 2/6
    • Be 4/4
    • Gem 4/4
  • Tractors
    • Gm
    • HGm 104
    • Te 171
    • Tm 172
    • Tm 2
  • Trailer Set
    • ABt
    • ABt
    • ABt

    ZB: Trailer Set: ABt

    Driving Trailers

    FFA EW II (FFA2)

    Introduced 1991
    Gauge 1000
    Builder Schweizer Wagenfabriken

    928 approaching one of the station passing points on 13/03/2009

    Photo: ©Keith47424

    Number Status Note
    928 Ex LSE 28
    929 Ex LSE 29
    930 Ex LSE 30