• Electric Loco
    • HGe 101
  • Electric Unit
    • ABe 130
    • ABeh 150
    • ABeh 151
    • ABeh 160
    • ABeh 161
    • BDeh 140
    • De 110
    • Deh 120
  • MIB
    • BDe 4/4
    • Be 2/6
    • Be 4/4
    • Gem 4/4
  • Tractors
    • Gm
    • HGm 104
    • Te 171
    • Tm 172
    • Tm 2
  • Trailer Set
    • ABt
    • ABt
    • ABt

    ZB: Electric Unit: ABeh 150

    Electric Unit

    Photo: MRG

    Number Altnumber Name Status Formation Livery
    150 001 150 101   150 201   Meiringen 150,101‑1,150,301‑6,150,201‑8 ZB
    150 002 150 102   150 202   150,102‑8,150,302‑4,150,202‑6 ZB
    150 003 150 103   150 203   ZB
    150 004 150 104   150 204   150,104‑4,150,304,150,204 ZB