• Re 460
  • Steam
    • Met Tank
    • Std 4 Tank
    • West Country
  • Diesel Shunter
    • 03
    • 888
    • Single Loco

    Test2: SBB: Re 460

    The Re 460 (popularly known as the Lok 2000) series are modern four-axle electric multipurpose locomotives of the Swiss Federal Railways. The Lok 2000-family locomotives are the last mainline locomotives to be quasi fully developed and produced by Swiss companies. Locomotive construction in Switzerland has since been largely discontinued for economic reasons. Only Stadler Rail still manufactures shunting and rack railway locomotives in the country.

    System 15 kV  16 2⁄3 Hz AC
    Length 18,500 mm
    Introduced 1991
    Wheel Arrangement Bo-Bo
    Power 6,100 kW
    Weight 84
    TE 230 kN
    Max Speed 200 km/h
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    Number Name Status Exported EVN Note Livery Depot Owner In Service
    460 001‑1 Lötschberg
    460 002‑9 Lötschberg
    460 003‑7 Millieu du Monde S Exported 91 85 4460 003-7 CH-SBB 28/01/1992
    460 004‑5 A Livery ZH
    460 005‑2 Exported LQ
    460 006‑0 re imported
    460 007‑8
    460 008‑6 La Gruyère P Exported 91 85 4460 008-6 CH-SBB 28/09/1992
    460 009‑4 not exported
    460 010‑2 Löwenberg
    460 011‑0 Léman
    460 012‑8 Erguël
    460 013‑6
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    460 015‑1 Dübendorf II
    460 016‑9 Rohrdorferberg Reusstal
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    460 046‑6 Polmengo Black advertising Bewirb dich für den besten Platz im Zug
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