- Kdxh
- Other
- Bhxpi
- Other
- HF200D
- Lxd2
- Lyd1
- Lyd1
- Lyd2
- Ns3
- V10C
- WLs150
- WLs180
- WLs40
- WLs50
- WLs75
- MBd1
- MBxc1
- MBxd1
- MBxd1
- MBxd2
- Wmc
- Ws
- 802S
- 803S
- Other
- Rdxh
Polish Narrow Gauge
Narrow gauge locos & units in Poland.
Some information in this dataset has been taken from under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license. The editors at SpotLog and LocoList would like to thank the editors at Enkol for their hard work and choosing to open their data.
- Kdxh
- Other
- Bhxpi
- Other
- HF200D
- Lxd2
- Lyd1
- Lyd1
- Lyd2
- Ns3
- V10C
- WLs150
- WLs180
- WLs40
- WLs50
- WLs75
- MBd1
- MBxc1
- MBxd1
- MBxd1
- MBxd2
- Wmc
- Ws
- 802S
- 803S
- Other
- Rdxh
This dataset is regularly updated by users from various internet sources.
If you have updates or corrections to contribute, please get in touch via the forum.
All information is unofficial.